A spiritual greeting
The original Thanksgiving held in 1621 was in honor of the bountiful harvest the pilgrims reaped with the help of the Native American Indians. The feast was prepared as gratitude for their fellow-man. This Thanksgiving has been particularly poignant for Americans, having just survived a two-year, brutal election process. It was a welcome reprieve to prepare a magnificent feast and gather to give thanks with family and friends. To express gratitude for our many riches, and give thought to those less fortunate. So the spirit of Thanksgiving can help to heal a nation and fill us with love, respect, grace and faith. May it dwell within our hearts throughout the year.
Orange and Sage Infused (20 Lb) Organic Turkey with Pan Gravy
Classic Whipped Potatoes
Apple-Sausage Stuffing
“Ruth Chris” Sweet Potato Souffle
Creamed Corn
Roasted Brussels Sprouts
Steamed Green Beans
Classic Vanilla Cake with Buttercream Icing
Chocolate Chip Bundt Pound Cake
Stag’s Leap Artemis Cabernet Sauvignon
David Bruce Pinot Noir