As a premier event planner in Miami for many years, New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day were the busiest, most stressful times of the year. Following a glitzy Black Tie, New Year’s Eve Gala, complete with big name entertainment (Peter Duchin and Alex Donner were among the favorites), my team would assemble at the crack of dawn to set up the annual New Year’s Day bash at the Indian Creek home of pro golfer Raymond Floyd and his wife Maria. This typically involved an authentic whole roasted pig, Cuban style, cooked in a”Caja China” set up the day before in their bayside backyard.
See this link to learn more about this method of cooking
Black eyed peas, collard greens and plenty of hair-of-the-dog libations were served alongside the roasted pork. Guests arrived via helicopter (Greg Norman), limo (Sylvester Stallone) and golf cart (neighbor, Coach Don Shula) to name a few. It was a tough job to pull off year after year, mainly because help was always challenging to recruit for this holiday; but it was extremely gratifying when it went off without a hitch.
Indian Creek Island
Whole roasted pig “Caja China” photo courtesy of
These days, I much prefer to be snuggled up in my cozy bed by 10pm on New Year’s Eve. New Year’s Day is for relaxing with family (including the furry ones!), and close friends. Although I would not change the experiences I have had, creating my own beautiful setting, cooking good food, listening to soothing music and being with loved ones is a far more enjoyable way to spend the holidays. While creating memories for others had been gratifying, creating my own cherished memories is much more satisfying. May 2018 add cherished moments to your memory bank. Here are a few photos from our New Year’s Day feast this year. A long way away from Miami or Cuba, all the way to the North Western Cuisine of India…..with a little southern styled collard greens and black eyed peas thrown in for good luck. Happy New Year!
New Year’s Day Tablescape

Potato-Pea Samosa with Cilantro and Tomato Chutney

Chicken Curry

Aloo Gobi

Southern style collard greens for good luck in the New Year!